I’ve been working my tail off getting this ready for you guys!
A completely new Real Men Real Style website, with entire new sections on:
Grooming – wet shaving, cologne, lotions, after shave, etc
Business Skills – speaking, networking, how to negotiate, body language
Travel – how to pack light, what to wear on a road trip, luggage
Lifestyle – Masculine furniture, desks, how to create a masculine home where you can feel comfortable.
The new website is launching August 12th!
In addition – we are integrating Build Your Wardrobe – my premium membership site that for 2 years been only available to graduates of my exclusive master level course, The Style System.
Click here to watch my video and learn more!
So how to be one of the first 50 men in the new Build Your Wardrobe Membership Site?
Two options.
1) Purchase A Man’s Guide To Style (AMGTS) and BOOM – you are on the priority list automatically.
Specifically, men that own my home-study course will get first in line privilege & receive a discount EQUAL to what they paid for AMGTS.
You are the VIP I developed this membership site for. Click here to join over 5,000 satisfied men!
2) Join the Build Your Wardrobe wait-list here.
I only am opening up 50 spots of which approximately 10 or so will be available to this wait-list.
Why do I limit the number of people allowed in?
Simply put – I want to bring people in as a group and make sure you are treated with personal attention.
This may appear to be a bit old school – but I value quality over quantity and want men who are serious about presenting themselves better
FYI - any existing BYW members (aka – Style System graduates) get in for free. It’s one of your perks for graduating from my 5 week college level course.