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The Truth About Style | Tanner Guzy At Menfluential 2017

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You’ve heard me say…

Style matters.

Style can make you more confident.

Style can help improve your life.

This time…

I want you to hear it from someone else:

Tanner Guzy.

Have you heard of him?

He’s a stylish guy – and a prime thought leader in the world of men’s style.

He spoke at this year’s Menfluential (formerly known as StyleCon).

So for those who missed it…here’s a recap of what he had to share.

Check out the 3 truths about style from Tanner Guzy’s point of view.


Click Here To Watch The Video – The Truth About Style

Click Here To Watch The Video – Tanner Guzy At StyleCon


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Tanner Guzy: Truth #1 – Clothing Is A Form Of Communication

You might’ve heard of phrases like:

  • Sup?
  • Whatevs
  • Bros before hoes

How do they sound to you? A little odd? Cringeworthy? Things you wouldn’t say to anyone besides family and close friends?

If that’s the case, good for you. You’re able to recognize a problem with modern-day language. It’s gotten lazier and sloppier. Slang is more prevalent. People no longer enunciate words.

Most of us probably have the ability to “switch off” this type of language in formal/professional settings. But that doesn’t mean we’re immune to letting it slip now and then…and that can hurt your reputation when it happens.

So likewise, clothing is a form of non-verbal communication. It can send a positive or negative message about you. That depends on the place as well as society’s perceptions of different clothing items. Some items will compel people to take you seriously. Others won’t.

It sounds unfair or shallow…but we all tend to judge books by their covers (which means first impressions matter). You can choose to ignore that fact – and keep wearing those retro cargo shorts and sleeveless muscle shirts all the time – or you can use that to your advantage.

The first step to being stylish is to know that clothing is part of who you are. Only when you accept that can you find clothes which are conducive to your image, your personality, and your ambitions. Only then can you start thinking of how to nail your casual clothes.


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#2 – Stylish Is NOT The Same As Overdressed

All right – maybe you never wanted to dress like your dad…or those bald guys living in trailers who get drunk every day.

But let’s not forget about the other end of the spectrum: overdressing. The consequences of it can be just as harmful.

You may like dressing up in suits. You may even look great in them! But if you insist on wearing one wherever you go…you’ll come across as weird or pretentious.

There’s no set rule that high-level clothing is always better than casual clothing. It’s like saying it’s better to greet people with “Good morning, Sir/Madam” even when you meet up with friends! Who would be comfortable doing that?

There’s a way to look sharp without being overdressed. There’s a way to dress appropriately for your age while still relating to the people around you. They’re not hard to master…they just require time and practice. But they’re extremely worth it in the long run.


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#3 – Style Is A Means To An End

There are a few reasons why most guys don’t really care about style:

A. They think clothes are a waste of money
B. They’re afraid to stand out or be different
C. They think it’s superficial
D. They don’t see the point

Among those reasons, option D is the most detrimental. Men who can’t see the true purpose of style will never get to understand why the other three are misconceptions.

Style (or being stylish) is NOT the end goal…but a tool to help you reach your goals. It’s a useful habit just like brushing your teeth daily. You don’t necessarily do it because it’s fun – but because you want the benefits of a clean mouth and fresh breath.

Likewise, you should work towards perfecting your style for the sake of goals such as:

Whatever your goal is…bear it in mind whenever you’re trying on a new suit or changing your tie color. That’s how you’ll stay motivated with style. It’ll always remind you why it’s worth buying good clothes from time to time (although style doesn’t entail spending a fortune!).


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Men Like Tanner Guzy Can Help You With Style & Life

Tanner Guzy knows style. There’s no doubt about it. That’s why I gave him a much-deserved spot in this list of men who can be your style inspiration.

If you’re keen on a more masculine image with both a dapper suit and dapper beard…he’s your model. You can visit his website, Masculine Style and YouTube channel to learn his own style tips and tricks.

I’ve had the privilege of inviting Tanner to speak at Menfluential for the past four years. He’s not just a guy who shows up to do as he’s told.

He makes it a point to hang out with everyone in the audience…for the entire two days of the event! He’s like a brother to all the guests, easy to talk to for any advice they need.


Tanner Guzy is one of many keynote speakers to appear at Menfluential 2018. It’s a 2-day conference for men who want to learn about on style, entrepreneurship & confidence. It’s a platform to make good friends, share knowledge & change lives.

So if you need advice on self-improvement, launching a business online – or simply want to meet other like-minded guys – this is the place to be next year! You’ll get to connect with Aaron Marino, Jose Zuniga, Sven Raphael Schneider, and some of your favorite bloggers and YouTubers. 

Click HERE to Learn More about MENFLUENTIAL 2018 

Click HERE to Grab Your Tickets for MENFLUENTIAL 2018


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