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How to fold a T shirt


Four Awesome T-Shirt Folding Hacks

T-shirts. Every man owns one.how to fold a t-shirt
It’s a wardrobe staple.
But every man doesn’t know how to fold one.
No one likes creased clothes.
So why spend your time ironing your shirt only to have to do it again before wearing it?
Plus, if you’re folding it wrong…
You could be stretching and distorting your t shirt – meaning it won’t fit properly.

Whether you’re travelling and want to save space in your suitcase or you just want to know how to fold your T- shirts properly, read our guide below.

Click Here To Watch The Video – How To Fold a T-Shirt

Click Here To Watch The Video – 4 AWESOME T-Shirt Folding Hacks

So let’s look at our guide on 4 ways to fold a t-shirt. #4 is a game-changer…

How to fold a T Shirt#1. The Basic Fold

We’ll start with the easiest fold first: t-shirt folding 101.
Lay your shirt face down and smooth out any wrinkles. Imagine a vertical line running down the center of the shirt and then fold it in half along this line so the opposing sleeves touch.
You should now have something that resembles a t-shirt cut in half. Fold the sleeves back and over the body before folding the whole garment in half again, lengthwise.
Smooth out the material one final time before folding once more.
You now have a compact, clean fold. Quick and easy!

How to fold a T Shirt#2. The Marine Roll

As you may have guessed, the Marine Roll is taught in the military and is a neat and efficient way to pack your t-shirts when space is at a premium.
  1. Lay your t-shirt shirt face up.
  2. Fold up the bottom hem 3 inches.
  3. Start on the left hand side and fold the sleeve and t shirt over, 1/3 of the way across the shirt.
  4. Smooth out any creases.
  5. Repeat this process on the right side.
  6. You should now have a long, oblong shape
  7. Tightly roll the t shirt, starting from top.
  8. Once rolled, undo the bottom fold you made earlier and tuck it over the ends to keep everything in place

#3. The Hanger

Folding your t-shirts properly is great if you’re travelling have limited storage but the best way to avoid fold lines and to ensure your shirt remains wrinkle-free is to hang it up.
Make sure you use plastic or wooden hangers – never wire. Wire hangers can snag and distort a t-shirt’s shape, causing “shoulder nipples” – where they stretch and distort the material. And shoulder nipples are never a good look.

#4. The 2-Second Fold

How to fold a T Shirt

We’ll save the best for last.
Want to know how to fold a t shirt fast?
This is a tricky technique and even more even more tricky to explain so ensure you watch the tutorial and practice, practice, practice.
Once you have the hang of it, you’ll never look back.
To start, lay your t shirt face up and smooth out the fabric.
  1. Imagine 2 intersecting lines: one line runs across your t shirt, half way up. The second runs down the t shirt from the left of the collar. Imagine 3 points along these lines – A, B and C. (You’ll want to check the video for this one!)
  2. With your finger and thumb, pinch and hold point A.
  3. Keeping point A pinched, bring point B to Point C.
  4. Uncross your arms while keeping hold of the material.
  5. Finish by folding the sleeves over and smoothing out any creases.
  6. Magic! One perfectly folded t shirt in 2 seconds.

There you have it gents – 4 ways to keep your shirts looking neat and wrinkle-free for years to come!

The post How to fold a T shirt appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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